“A lot of small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world.”
Eduardo Galeano.
The people that conform ECOAR))) struggle through diverse and creative actions and campaigns in different corners of the planet to obtain a fairer world that has ethics and dignity as basic principles from which to build itself.
In ECOAR))) we know that another world is possible and necessary and that is why we build alternatives and social response on a constant basis based on independence, coherence and resilience.
Our action is based on the development of campaigns and initiatives through direct action, public pressure and awareness, to be able to exercise and defend the rights, freedoms and the planet.
We, ECOAR))) activists, are fully convinced that situations can always change, if a sustained and qualitative action is taken, based on analysis, planning, specialized knowledge and networking.

“It is justice and not charity what the world needs.“
Mary Wollstonecraft.
… regarding how my participation will be.
All you have to do to start participating with us is to fill out the data form. From there we will contact you and we will agree with the steps to follow so that you integrate within the structure and begin to build together.
In ECOAR))) there are 5 forms of participation
Activist |
Timely Activist |
Collaborator |
Timely Collaborator |
Technician |
… about my profile.
Do not worry about that right now. Of course, having each activist adjust to their profile is the key process in order to build a good team, but that is a process that we will do together that you do not have to indicate to us at this point. The only thing we have to know right now is that you share our vision and that you want to have a more active role within ECOAR))).
Of course!! ECOAR))) is composed of people of different profiles and trajectories. In case you do not have any experience as an activist or you lack specific training in the field of your choice, we will structure a progressive training process so that you can develop your task. The only limitations you will have will be those that you impose on yourself.
Of course!! Being part of ECOAR))) is not incompatible with membership in other types of social organizations (collectives, parties, platforms, associations, unions, groups, cooperatives,...). The only limitations that can exist to participate in ECOAR))) are those derived from not respecting its principles, values, strategy and methodology. One of the principles that governs us is the summative character and the strengthening of the social fabric. As we see it’s all about your incorporation to ECOAR))) involving a reinforcement of the fabric of all those people who fight for a fairer world, not weaken what already exists.
It is not necessary. Obviously the more training a person has will make things better for everyone, but in case you do not have specific training do not worry. We will structure your training process with you, so that you will acquire the necessary knowledge for the development of your task or tasks in ECOAR))).
If you are a minor you will be able to participate with us as long as you have the consent, documentally accredited, of your mother, father or legal guardian. In this case you should send an email to ecoar@ecoarglobal.org with the subject “Minor”, where you will indicate your motivations to join ECOAR))) and we will explain the steps that you must follow in order to start acting as an activist.
Please do not send us any personal information about you or your family if you do not have the consent of your mother, father or legal guardian.
… what is ECOAR))) about and what it means to act in it.
That will depend on the task you want to develop and the commitment you want to acquire within the structure. In general activists have a load of work well above collaborators, but there is no standard time set. No one but you knows how much time you can devote to a particular task as well as what you can assume.
In no case it is mandatory, but most of us are Pepa Loba’s members, because although it is an independent tool, we can count on a stable economic base beginning with continuous contributions from members.
ECOAR))) does not receive money from any type of institution, any transnational company, or any person who does not comply with its principles and values. So to maintain our independence when it comes to performing our work requires a strong economic tool.
No. ECOAR))) Is a project of activists who have an approach towards activism based among other issues in developing unpaid professional work. We are people of different profiles who contribute with our knowledge in specific areas to carry out effective, efficient and creative action, while we understand that, as inhabitants of the planet, we must have an active role and carry out a network to defend the rights, Freedoms and the planet.
Without any problem, but we can not issue you any formal or official certification, since ECOAR))) does not exist administratively. ECOAR))) is a project made up of people who organize globally from the execution of highly specialized tasks that are developed in a coordinated way among themselves.
… regarding my place of residence.
Of course. ECOAR))) performs most of its coordination work through cyberspace. If you have an internet connection you can integrate into different groups and develop the tasks that you had committed to carry out. It does not matter where you are, but that you do what you took on.
…regarding the tasks that I will carry out.
That will depend on what you decide and, at the same time, on the needs that ECOAR))) has at that moment. In any case it is a process that we will adjust during your first steps within the structure.
ECOAR))) is a structure that has one of its signs of identity in networking. There are actions you can carry out on your own related to us (electronic signatures, attendance to talks, dissemination of events, campaigns and actions, …), but if you intend to join as an activist you will have to work in a group. The load of hours that you dedicate to this task will vary a lot depending on the area and task that you finally acquire.
As in any task you are going to develop within the structure will depend on three factors: your motivations, the needs of ECOAR))) and your training. But other than that there is no special requirement that you need.
You develop the responsibilities that you choose to accomplish. What you should keep in mind is that depending on the responsibility that you are going to develop, you have more or less commitments assigned. In any case, you’ll already know this in ECOAR)))’s incorporation process.
You will be able to participate in the decision making depending on the form of participation that you have, as well as the responsibility that you acquire within the structure.
Of course!! A fundamental element within ECOAR))) is the training and updating of the knowledge of each activist. We understand that in order to do an efficient and effective work as a structure, each activist must have a very high specific knowledge that, when acting as a group, allows us to enjoy a great variety of resources to face each situation we have to address with security, efficiency and effectiveness. To achieve this, the training area partners will support you in the construction of your formative process within the structure, but the ultimate leader of your training will be yourself.
It you wish to contact us you can do it through our mailing address ecoar@ecoarglobal.org or filling out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.
To join ECOAR))) as an activist, collaborator or technician, and fight for rights, freedoms and the planet building alternatives and social response globally, you just have to fill in the following form with your personal data.
If for any reason you have problems sending the form, you can contact us at ecoar@ecoarglobal.org with the subject “Data file new activist” as well as where you can insert the data that appears in the form. We will contact you briefly to start structuring your work.