The website is a space used to communicate, disseminate, denounce, act and create networks. Keep in mind that whenever you enter your data in the web, it entails you accept the “privacy policy”.

The website may occasionally have links to other websites that have their own “privacy policy”.

We only collect your data if you authorize us to do so, in no case personal data is collected without the knowledge of the owner.

All the information you provide us will be stored in an automated and confidential file.

The data that you give us through the web forms implies that you are expressly accepting the content of this “privacy policy” and you authorise the use of your data for the specified purposes.

If you do not agree with the “privacy policy” in any of the specified points, please do not give us your data. E-mail us your opinion or your questions to and we will answer you as soon as possible.

The website uses cookies2 that analyze the use that each user makes of it. Through the cookies we compile statistical information (frequency of usage, pages visited, number of visits and “clicks”, etc) to improve the effectiveness of our initiatives through the analysis of this data.

By accepting the “privacy policy” you authorize us to use cookies to communicate with you.

In case you do not want to have cookies on your computer, you must change your browser settings3, but you should be aware that if you block all cookies, certain parts of the site or other sites may lose their functionality.

2. Pieces of information that are stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit a website

3. Generally ‘tools-options-privacy’

You have every right. Your data is only yours, so you have the right to know, at all times, what treatment we give to it, to modify it when, and how you want to, and to tell us to delete it. For any of these questions you should send an email to with the subject “PERSONAL DATA” and you must describe what action you want us to perform with your data.

The security of your personal data is a key issue. In all the spaces of the website where you enter your data, we use SSL4 technology, so that the information between your client and our server is established in a completely encrypted way.

4. Secure Socket Layer Protocol

If you are a minor, you can participate with us as long as you have documented consent from your mother, father or legal guardian. In this case you should send an email to with the subject “Minor”, where you indicate your motivations to join ECOAR))) and we will explain the steps that you must follow in order to start acting as an activist.

Please do not send us any personal information about you or your family if you do not have the consent of your mother, father or legal guardian.